
I am lecturing at 3 different units at Tours University, i.e., the Engineering Course in Aquatic Ecosystem Restauration and Management (DAE-IMA, in english and french), the International Master Course on Urban Planning and Sustainability at PolyTech Tours (in english), and in the Master Course on Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution at the Natural Science Department (in english and french). Additionally, I occasionally deliver courses and lectures at other universities, e.g., TUM Munich, Angers University, and Brazilian universities. (all titles are given in English here, however, the teaching language varies from French, English, Portuguese, German or Spanish, depending on the venue)

Lectures and courses

Since 2018

My lecturing is given at the levels M1 and M2 of Master course “Biodiversité, écologie et évolution - Parcours : Ecologie évolutive et comportementale”, Faculté des Sciences, and M2 of the Master International “Urban Planning and Sustainability”, as well as study years 3, 4, et 5 of the engineering course “Ingénieur en Génie de l'aménagement et de l'environnement – Filière Ingénierie des Milieux Aquatiques” at PolyTech Tours.

I was granted a CRCT sabbatical during the first semestre 2015-2016 and a Délégation CNRS 2020-2021.

Lectures (CM) and Courses (TD), title of the lecturing unit (in french), my contribution title (in english), number of annual hours, number of students per course, level of the students:

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